We have had so many incredible students come through our digital hallways. We could talk about this school all day, but we'd rather you hear about it from the students who have experienced it first hand!


Love notes from our IBMS students

xeque, class of 2019

Who knows the animated movie and/or the book “The Last Unicorn”? This was my favorite movie growing up, because I felt like I related to the unicorn and that the story held a lot of metaphors I could relate to my experience, and it became my motivation and purpose for a while to leave my comfort zone and “find” the other unicorns.

I feel like I have finally accomplished that chapter in my life after connecting with Indie Birth and all of you amazing women. The sense of peace, purpose and confidence I feel knowing that you are all out there, including many more I have not even met, is deeply healing. Knowing that I’m not the only one and that we are all in this, returning to our rightful roles within this present time. I feel so much closure after this previous weekend and have what I need to keep moving forward. We are ancient, and we are all sharing this process of remembering. Words cannot describe the beauty.

Thank you all so much for who you are and what you do, thank you Maryn and Margo for bringing the unicorns together.

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I love the space that Maryn holds for me, around whatever it is that feels important for me to explore during a session. I feel so supported and validated in my process during this huge time of transition in my life. I also feel endlessly grateful for Maryn‘s wealth of knowledge and the diversity of support she is able to offer me, around whatever area that may be coming up for me. I appreciate the way she incorporates knowledge from her years of supporting others through her time as a midwife, her extensive studies, deep wisdom, intuition, and her genuine care as a loving human being all so harmoniously in the way she shows up. I have never felt like something is missing in the space we are sharing, for lack of being in the same room. If it is something you are pondering, I highly recommend creating the space to connect with one of these incredible beings for a virtual session.


Why Katie's Loves
the Indie Birth Midwifery School

Isis's Review of the First Trimester of the 40WMF Program

Christina's IBMS experience

“This midwifery school has been an extraordinarily wonderful experience for me as a person, woman, mother and birth worker. I have learned so much about myself and how to balance my responsibilities. This is the same balancing skills I will need to have as a midwife. The school has given me such a great foundation.”

- Emily, class of 2019

Emily, class of 2019







More about the skills workshop→

I’m glad that what I was feeling was reflected back to you over the weekend. I had SUCH an affirming experience being there, and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend as a non-IBMS student.

Regarding the self assessment, I went in feeling really nervous about the catheters, venipuncture, and hemorrhage. I feel SO much better about the caths and IVs now, they weren’t scary at all and I’m happy to have had the opportunity to practice in such a safe container. I look forward to learning more about hemorrhage but again, I feel so much better after the practice we got. Overall I came in thinking that I had nerves/fears about certain things and then realized that I’m not nearly as nervous or fearful as some of the other people in the group, which felt really affirming.

As I mentioned, I was partly using the workshop as a “taste test” for IBMS and while I was already leaning strongly towards applying, I feel very grounded in my decision to go for it after having such a great time. 

Adara on the skills workshop

I feel strongly about women’s right to reproductive autonomy and this past year with IBMS has shown me the rite of passage that birth truly is. It has taught me so much about pregnancy and birth (more than I could have imagined and we’re only just breaking the surface), but most importantly, taught me so much about myself. This past year has made me a better person and it is thanks to the deep inquiry you and the Indie Birth team have asked of each of us. I cannot think of a better way I could have spent this special time.


Jonelle's Testimonial

"The thing I love about Indie Birth is the fact that they put the woman at the center of birth. This mindset isn't happening elsewhere in our society. People from the far reaches of the world are coming together and saying this is exactly how I feel. Indie Birth is like a magnet drawing all these women with shared beliefs together and then sending them out like arrows into the world to make positive change. It's like a revolution, and I'm happy to be a part of it and further their vision."

- Valerie, class of 2019


I’ve been talking the skills workshop nonstop since I got back from Sedona, but even the things in the online class were mind-blowing. It was packed with information and introspection. I learned that it’s about how you want to practice, what skills I want to use or not use, how I want to treat the people I work with. It’s a lot more than just learning maneuvers for breech or dystocia or learning how to handle a hemorrhage. Those are important, but it’s more about myself and my personal hang-ups around them so that I can be free to help clients have a physiological birth without me butting in from my insecurities. It’s about knowing normal so you know when it’s not normal.

- Kayce, class of 2020


LOVING this school and your classes and I feel so fortunate to be here. I appreciate all the time and energy that is put into giving feedback and being present in this birth community and school. I have been in school, graduate school too, and never felt anything like this. I actually can't get over the joy of learning it all. Thank you for this opportunity, it is such an honor to be a part of IBMS.

- Lauren, class of 2020


What Students Are Saying About the School

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