The Curriculum

After the first several years of the Indie Birth Midwifery School, we realized that our midwifery program needed an introductory course to quench students' thirst for getting into some exciting birth material, and to lay the groundwork for some of the larger emotional and existential parts of the student midwife journey.

The Intro to Autonomous Midwifery Course is a 10 week course that explores beginning birth and midwifery knowledge as well as the topics of apprenticeship and inner emotional work.

Introduction to Autonomous Midwifery

step 1

Learn More About the Intro Course

  • Apprenticeship: A Time Honored Tradition
  • Final Exam

section 10

  • Foundations in Childbirth Education
  • The 4th Trimester: Supporting the Postpartum Time as a Modern Midwife
  • When Birth Doesn’t Go as Planned: Trauma and Transport

section 9 

  • Exploring Herbalism and Plant Magic

section 8 

  • Midwifery Skills Workshop Prep Course
  • Tending to Mental Health in Pregnancy + the Postpartum
  • Research Methods for Midwives Who Want to Question the Status Quo

section 7 

  • Healing Arts in Pregnancy for the New Paradigm Midwife

section 6 

  • Pregnancy Nutrition: A Pillar of Midwifery
  • Exploring the Magic and Science of Labor and Birth: Anatomy & Physiology
  • Introduction to Diagnostic Testing for Midwives

section 5 

  • Placentation and Early Fetal Development

Section 4 

  • Exploring Birth Models Around the World - Envisioning the Future
  • The Heart of What We Do, Wise Woman Prenatal Care

Section 3 

  • The Wise Woman Within

Section 2

  • Speaking Your Truth: Authentic Content Creation
  • Midwifery HerStory
  • Counseling: The Art and Science of Relationship Building in Midwifery

Section 1 

40 Week Midwifery Foundations Program

Step 2

See more details about individual courses HERE

After completing the Intro to Autonomous Midwifery course you will move on to our 40 Week Midwifery Foundations Program.

You get access to each unit for the number of weeks noted below, before we move you into your next section's class(es). In this way, our program is NOT self paced. At the start of each unit, you have access to the entire unit's content.

Projects are submitted and feedback is given at the end of each unit.

Step 2

  • The Journey Through the Pelvis and an Exploration of the Dystocias 

  • Building Your Confidence in Recognizing and Handling the Rare Complication of Postpartum Hemorrhage 

  • Complex Birth Theory and Technique - Twins, Breech, Prolonged Labor 

  • Lactation Science and Breastfeeding Support 

  • The Baby’s Transition Earthside and the Art of Neonatal Resuscitation 

  • Multidimensional Midwifery in the Prenatal Period 

  • Intro to Badass Business Skills for Midwives + Wise Woman Conscious Business and Community Building + Manifesting Your Sacred Midwifery Business

  • Advanced Midwifery Counseling and Metaphysical Midwifery

    ** Program completion includes a final project portfolio assessment, a final exam and a creative project.

Step 3

Advanced Midwifery Program

learn about our application process

After completing the 40 Week Midwifery Foundations Program you will then move on to the Advanced Midwifery Program.

Enrollment in the Indie Birth Midwifery School is about more than just the coursework. The community we have created is also essential to your experience in the program. We have weekly student calls that are facilitated by our team, and include weekly topics, small group break out sessions, case studies, and time for Q & A. We also have small student groups that you will be assigned to upon enrollment, where you will get to know your fellow students deeply, and love an support each other through your time with IBMS and beyond.

More about the structure

Hear what our students have to say

Application is as easy as filling out our application form and booking an interview time. We have no pre-requisites aside from being the perfect fit for our program.

The application process

Learn more about application and enrollment