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Bringing together the sacred + scientific unlike anywhere else in the birth world.
We are moving midwifery into a creative new era and we are looking for intuitive, humble, discerning, conscious women to join us in our mission.
Accepting applications now.
So we friggin' made one
**students NEED to complete an apprenticeship PRIOr to practicing as a midwife, although some students choose to do so after completing the program.
You rock it through the Advanced Midwifery Program (check out the curriculum, it's 28 weeks long)
You complete the 40 Week Midwifery Foundations Course (check out the curriculum)
You get started in The Intro to Autonomous Midwifery Course, (it's 10 weeks long)
Here's what happens after you enroll
The IBMS experience is the ultimate blend of the science and the sacred. By learning traditional community midwifery knowledge with modern info and tools, you will be well prepared to serve your community.
The complete online experience for heart centered and spirit led birth attendants who want to create a more beautiful world. Created by spiritual, autonomous midwives.
These 3 steps are bundled into one flat fee for the complete IBMS experience. Click here to see our tuition, application and enrollment process.
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With our straightforward, socially oriented online platform you can complete all of your assignments, get feedback and connect with other students. We also occasionally have an in person option to connect.
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Becoming a midwife takes so much more than passing a rudimentary test. It requires deep introspection, exploration and nourishing of yourSELF so that you can serve as a healthy leader in your birth community. It also requires tuning in to the sacred aspects of birth so we can create a cultural shift where women are honored in our communities. We incorporate these concepts and space for reflection throughout the courework.
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Students study the mind blowing, curated content within our program timeline that we have created (click to see the program timeline). This way you will have fun and stay on task. We also have LIVE weekly student meetings where we connect, go deeper with the material, and explore students' emotions, experiences and questions that come up on the student midwife path.
Midwifery is calling you...
Meet the duo behind the Indie Birth Midwifery School
We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit when necessary. With 12 children and 18 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth Midwifery School is our space to share it all with you.
Margo and Maryn