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We will show you exactly how we approach our work as radical midwives and you can do the same.
Discover why many women think they "can't" have the birth they want, and how autonomy and self-determination are the solution.
Licensing, certification, and regulation....oh my! Untangle the myths that have been central to midwifery activism the last few decades.
Hear from us about our own journey's into radical midwifery and what we've learned along the way.
Travel back in time and discover the way birth and midwifery has changed over time and how we have gotten to where we are today.
Here is what you will learn in this course:
Facing the fears that most of us come up against when considering the path of the radical community midwife.
Visions of the new paradigm of midwifery and tools for creating the birth (r)evolution.
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Required donation for this class is $99