A Peek Inside the Life of a New IBMS
by Kristen Spears
I feel a deep sense of accomplishment as I wrap up this final project for the Intro to Autonomous Midwifery course. I completed this during a time of transformation in my life, while also stepping into my new role as an apprentice. I attended 12 births in seven weeks, incorporated school and apprenticeship into my life, and still completed my tasks in other roles.
I am excited to take the next four weeks to integrate so much of this information and go over the notes, lectures and books. Before the 40 weeks of didactic learning begins, I am attending a local in person holistic neonatal resuscitation class for midwives. I’ll be continuing on in my apprenticeship, and I’m inspired to learn more skills and take on more roles in that space. I’m also prioritizing self care and scheduling it where I can during this four week break and “off call” time coming up this summer.
As for takeaways, I am holding onto the idea of remembering and unlearning. Remembering the ancient ways of midwifery that live within me through my bloodline and my innate wisdom as woman, and unlearning the fears and projections that have been put onto us as a culture and society. Remembering to stay curious about birth, and unlearning the idea that everything must be controlled. I feel this is a path that I have been on for a while, and I will continue to be on for my life’s work. Remembering that there is wisdom and healing in storytelling and community, and unlearning that this is separate from science.
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