Money, Midwifery and Abundance

Midwifery Musings

Great Mama, Scorpio, Cosmic Red Tent.

Student work

Teratogens and Zika

Student Work

In the Midwife's Office #4 Debriefing a Postpartum Hemorrhage



by Bridget Ballenger Meet Carmen Southall-Warmhoff, a force for good in her birth community.  She remembers shortly after high school wanting to be involved in delivering babies but wasn’t interested in going to medical school and becoming an obstetrician.  In her heart, she knew there must be a different way but wasn’t yet sure what […]

IBMS Graduate Spotlight- Carmen Southall-Warmhoff


Guest post by IBMS student Savanna Barcus Physiological Cord Clamping As our 17-year-old moved out of the home this very week, my husband reassured me that it was time to cut the cord.  I lamented that we cut the cord a long time ago, but it was probably too soon even then!  In researching cord […]

Physiological Cord Clamping

Student Work

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Guest post by IBMS student Kristen Rud The use of cannabis as medicine is becoming more and more accepted as common practice in Western culture, after decades of judgment and criminalization. While more research is developing on the pros and cons of medicinal cannabis use, it is still considered a teratogen during pregnancy. A teratogen […]

Cannabis in Pregnancy, a Closer Look

Student Work

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a guest post from IBMS student Samantha HypesI’m Samantha Hypes. I’m a true redhead, quarter Dutch,  quarter french, some scottish/irish in there, a Leo sun, Gemini moon, born in the Appalachian mountains and raised in NC. We have been living in my husband’s grandfather’s old house in Frankfort KY for the past 6 years. I […]

Women Deserve Real Care and Real Options

Student Highlights

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I’m officially a student of midwifery. Although it sounds a little funny to say it like that as I feel like I’ve been a student beginning with the birth of my first child almost 19 years ago. Becoming a homebirth midwife was not something I had ever intended on. I did not see it in […]

“Why” Sheaffer is Becoming a Midwife

Student Work

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Ok, so I’m going to try to make this as not personal as possible, but this story is too outlandish and ripe with incredible lessons to not share with the wider midwifery world. Once upon a time, we had an Indie Birth Midwifery School student who decided that she actually didn’t need an apprenticeship before […]

You Were Never a Midwife

Midwifery Education

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1375. That is the number of home birth midwives we were able to find email addresses for here in the United States. That is less that the number of students who went to my high school. That is roughly one midwife per 50,000 childbearing aged women in the US. And we wonder why midwifery is […]

We [midwives] are going extinct.

Midwifery Education

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by Carmen Southall-Wamhoff Your own introspection:  Please use the following questions as guides to create a well felt out journal/exploration paper on complex birth.  We expect that this paper will be as long as YOU need it to be as it is for you! Where does all of this leave you? What questions about complex […]

Carmen’s Thoughts about Twin and Breech Birth

Student Work

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